About the Love Brigades

The Love Brigades are a new way for people to make the world better starting with the local level. We organize neighborhood work parties that bring people together to focus on local issues. We combine community work with music, dance and art to make it enjoyable and inspirational. Our actions have an immediate effect on helping, do not cost any money and are fun and positive. We are non-partisan and open to all. We believe every neighborhood in the world should have at least one Love Brigade which regularly throw work parties to fill in the love gaps in the neighborhoods.

Our initial areas of impact are:
* Litter cleanup
* Graffiti removal
* Help for houseless people and people in need

Statement to taggers

We are not against you. We appreciate the art of graffiti and tagging as an inspired form of art. But we can not allow our businesses and public areas to be violated by unsightly and inappropriate scrawlings.
Appropriate outlets for your quality graffiti are:
* Buildings that are slated to be torn down
* Designated graffiti walls
* Your personal canvas or other possessions

If we catch you in the act of tagging we will kindly ask you to respect the community. We will direct you to nearby appropriate tagging locations. We will invite you to join the Love Brigades!

We are working on setting up designated graffiti walls and other sanctioned canvases for you to display your art form – and improve your craft.
Here is a website that maps of legal graffiti walls around thew world. We are working on setting up walls like this around Portland.
Here is an example from Eugene (which the comments say is not longer there sadly)